Has research on collaborative learning technologies addressed massiveness?

The paper, “Has research on collaborative learning technologies addressed massiveness? : A Literature Review” by Kalpani Manathunga and Davinia Hernandez-Leo has been published in the Special Issue on “Managing Cognitive Load in Technology-Based Learning Environments” of Journal of Educational technology & Society (Q2, 5 year IF = 1.376). This journal article is a part from initial work of Kalpani’s PhD dissertation and this survey looks into the insights of existing research (till 2013) around collaborative learning technologies for arguably large numbers of participants.


There is a growing interest in understanding to what extent innovative educational technologies can be used to support massive courses. Collaboration is one of the main desired elements in massive learning actions involving large communities of participants. Accumulated research in collaborative learning technologies has proposed and evaluated multiple models and implementation tools that engage learners in knowledge-intensive social interactions fostering fruitful learning. However, it is unclear to what extent these technologies have been designed to support large-scale learning scenarios involving arguably massive participation. This paper contributes with a literature review that aims at providing an answer to this question as well as offering insights about the context of use, characteristics of the technologies, and the types of activities and collaboration mechanisms supported. The main results point out that till 2013 the level of massiveness considered in top scientific journal papers on collaborative learning technologies was low, the scenarios studied were predominantly contextualized in co-located higher education settings using Learning Management Systems, the most common activities considered were open and structured discussion, followed by peer assessment and collaborative writing, and the most broadly used mechanism to foster fruitful collaboration was group formation following diverse policies.

Ref: Manatunga, K., Hernández-Leo, D.,(2015) Has research on collaborative learning technologies addressed massiveness?Educational Technology & Society, 18(4), 357-370.