Stian Håklev visits the GSIC/EMIC group at University of Valladolid

Stian Håklev visited the GSIC/EMIC group on May 19th, to discuss the relationship between his current work at EPFL and the RESET project. During his PhD thesis, developed at University of Toronto under the supervision of Jim Slotta, Stian adapted a presential course to be taught as a MOOC, having to develop ad hoc technology to support some forms of collaboration. Now a postdoctoral researcher with the CHILI group at EPFL, where he’s exploring how to give technological support to the ideas in Pierre Dillembourg’s last book, “Orchestration graphs”. This research touches closely many of the ideas behind the GLUE!PS system developed by the GSIC/EMIC group at Universidad de Valladolid, and the Integrated Learning Design Environment codeveloped with the GTI group at Pompeu-Fabra. During his visit, we discussed lessons learned from past attempts and the potential of integrate these new system in the ILDE, or the possibility of mapping the semantics of the orchestration graphs with GLUE!PS lingua franca to, in an ensemble, support the process from design to deployment and enactment.